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Newsletter 2 – May 2003

Once again, we are sure you will find pieces of this newsletter of value. Please note that the links referred to here are not active. You may copy and paste them into your web browser.

Virus Hoax
There are a number of emails floating around lately, about “really bad” virus’… They are hoaxes. If you get some that refer to…
Subject: TEDDY BEAR VIRUS. The Virus has a Teddy Bear icon with the name jdbgmgr.exe
Subject: Fw: URGENT WARNING !!!!!!!! “Life is beautiful. pps”
Subject: Worst Virus Ever
Subject: CONTACT LIST VIRUS! Remove jdbgmgr.exe
The above can be (and should be verified by going to Syamantec’s web site
Do a search and you’ll find the info pertaining to the “so called” virus or hoax.
In fact… if you get anything that alerts you to a virus, do yourself a favour and check it out at: and do a search!

Latest Microsoft Security issues…
Microsoft have once again released some patches to their various Operating Systems. See the link to the web site by clicking the above link.
You can subscribe to an email list on the topic by clicking
Reminder: Check Microsoft’s web site for OS updates regularly. Practice “safe computing”!
D-Link Wireless Performance Increased!
D-Link have increased the performance of their AirPlus products to know provide up 44MB of data throughput. You can download the firmware and driver updates from their web site and apply them yourself, or contact me for assistance.

My Web Site is getting a facelift. (if you’re reading this… you’re already here… thanks for visiting)!
Over the next couple of weeks, I will be redoing my web site to provide additional information as well as roll out some incentives by way of a Referral Program, for my clients. I would also value your testimonial that I may include within that area of my site. Feel free to send me a “quotable quote” if you feel so inclined.

System Sluggish?
Two tools provided by Microsoft in their OS are Disk Defragmenter and Disk Cleanup. Run these two tools and you’re likely to get a performance increase. Remember, overall system performance is related to Disk (free space) and Memory. Windows 95 and Windows 98 system need to be rebooted every few days. Why? Their “housekeeping” of the two OS’s do not free up all memory from the system after you close (end a program). As a result, program fragments left behind when a program closes build up, and eventually, there is not enough available memory to effective run your program. This is when you’re likely to have your system “crash”!

Until the next time…. Have fun and stay out of trouble!